Explore and fight in a retro futuristic world. Swim deep into an oneiric, poetic and unique experience across dimensional planes
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#Naritaboy 中LAST DAY中 Trailer!
almost 8 years ago
– Sat, Apr 01, 2017 at 09:20:42 AM
Fellows! We are almost there! This video is a super BIG thanks to all the Trichroma warriors. To all the support we got from our backers! To all the media who care about us! THANK YOU! Spread the word these last hours! We need you! :)
NaritaBoy 75% Done!
almost 8 years ago
– Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 05:02:39 PM
Keep fighting dear fellows! The Kickstarter Titan is almost defeat. Can you see the fear on his red led?
Thanks for the support!!
Narita Boy 中The Trichroma Quest中
almost 8 years ago
– Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 05:26:45 AM
10 days to GO! We are getting closer! We need you!
Learn about the Trichroma energy, explore a vast universe across dimension and swim into a post fever dream that you will never forget.
We didn´t archived, we achieved! :D
almost 8 years ago
– Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 07:40:42 AM
Hey! In the previous post we made a mistake, we wanted to say achieved and not archived! We are not archiving anything, in the other way around, we are ACHIEVING! We're getting very little sleep lately that´s why we are making this kind of mistakes...
TODAY we bring good news! We already have Narita Boy shirts to present the game in Barcelona this Thursday! The one I like the most is the size of children and this one in the photo is, without exaggeration, our biggest follower!
Sorry for not having updated much lately, the preparation of the new short is sucking a lot of time. Thanks for staying with us.
I feel that we gonna make it, we gonna defeat the KS titan, i wanna see him exploding in front of our thousands of backers and followers!!!
Thank you very very much.
Reached 71%! Meet you at 3D WIRE Barcelona.
almost 8 years ago
– Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 05:09:58 PM
Thanks for all backers!! We archived 71%!!
Thank you so much for backing us and also sharing this project with others. We see many shares and tweets on SNS. Really appreciated!! And thanks for all your positive comments. It's our fuel to keep fighting against the titan KS.
Meet you at 3D WIRE Barcelona
Chance to meet the team of Studio Koba on the 16th March, this Thursday. Ed(director) , Salvador(composer) and Chie(project manager) will be there to present Narita Boy. Please find us and talk to us! Visit 3D WIRE website for more info.
The Commodore Story - Changing the world 8-bits at a time
Interesting documentary of retro computer. We found interesting project, which is currently on KS. Check their campaign here.
The Commodore Story is a cram packed 2 hour documentary film that will take us through Commodore's evolution from the 70's to the 90's from the PET, Vic20, C64 to the Amiga and beyond and include many game makers and composers from the 80's and early 90's.